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Maybe I'm Turning into an Ocean Gal....

In the kitchen where I’m sitting drinking my morning tea, a salt-stained, fishy breeze enters and wafts across the room. Today it is unusually warm for this little coastal town with its mild weather.

I arrived back in this place yesterday evening after a four-hour drive through a constantly changing landscape. Over the course of the drive, the large, desert trees and shrubs slowly give way to sand and dunes, and the distant mountains and valleys flatten out to a solid yellow-orange tinted vastness. I recognize when we were getting close to our destination by specific landmarks that I always remember.  Randomly spaced, crescent-shaped, baby sand dunes appear along the side of the road just a few kilometers before we reach the eerie ghost town of Kolmanskuppe and the tiny, local airport across the road from it.

At this point, if it’s not too windy, you can see the blue ocean expand and blend into the horizon behind small rocky hillsides. After 10 kilometers, you reach the beginning of town marked by a large Hollywood-eque sign placed on a high rock hill reading LUDERITZ in big white letters.

I stepped out of the mini bus of the local transport queen, Auntie Anna. She knows practically every one in both towns from which she carries people back and forth a few days a week. She’s loud, brash, and sweet and blasts hip hop and rap music the whole drive. If you ask anyone in town if they know Auntie Anna, they will most likely say something along the lines of ‘Oh yeah, I know her. I ride with her whenever I’m going to (Luderitz or Keetmanshoop).’

The stale, thick air washes over me as I get out of the bus and I’m shocked at how warm it is. “It’s swimming weather!” saying Anna. I think about humid Georgia mornings that feel similarly and shutter, instantly hoping that colder weather will come again soon. After all, it is supposedly “winter” right now, yet the temperature rests in the mid 80s.

Once I reach home and put down my bags and greet the dogs (Buddy of course pees on me, unable to restrain his excitement), I wander out to the porch. Overlooking the bay and the ocean, the view is unbeatable, plus the sun is setting over the water. The sky looks as if it has been painted with bold strokes of color, —oranges, reds, and purples—and I stand there and soak it in. As much as I say I’m a mountains gal, the coast is growing me and I’d missed this view in the two and a half weeks that I’d been away. I watched as the saturation dripped out of the sunset and the sky slowly faded to deep navy blue.

Now, as I write this, the morning air has changed as it does in a split second here. The warm breeze has been replaced by a cooler one, one with a bit of a bite to it. I go to grab my lounge pants and a hoodie and step outside where the bright, late morning light stings my eyes and the chilly air refreshes my senses. Ahh, it’s good to be “home.”

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