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Moving to the Big City

April is coming to a close, and I need to do another update on my life. A whooooole lot changed this month, but the biggest changes were my location, my job, and my health.

Last month in March, a bunch of emotional things happened. Two of my closest friends left Liberia, dry season heat was at its peak and making me miserable, and the lack of work at my site was reaching a tipping point. I thought long and hard about my options.

My favorite little 9 month old
is almost walking
I felt torn. I didn’t really want to leave Liberia, but I also wasn’t sure how much more of my situation I could emotionally handle. I felt like I’d lost control over every aspect of my life; my well-being, privacy, daily routine, and happiness all felt dependent on my environment and the people around me. I tried not to stress about this realization, but I also felt like I’d reached an inescapable and unhealthy place.

Thankfully, things sort of fell into place all at once. As I was mentally preparing myself to make the call to return to America and give up, a communications job at our PC office opened up. Our staff was kind enough to allow me to move to Monrovia and fill the open role for the remaining 4-5 months of my service instead of having to terminate my contract early.

Watching Aladdin with Harris
See you later to my Bassa ma & pa! 
I moved in mid-April. It was a pretty stressful change as I didn’t have much time to tell people in my community that I was leaving. It kind of took all of us by surprise. It was fairly easy to pack up my house as I didn’t really acquire much during my time there. However, it was really hard to say goodbyes to a few individuals in my community with whom I’d become close. The day arrived, and I was on my way to the city, carrying only what I could fit on a motorbike. (A Peace Corps car passing by my community a few days later carried the remainder of my things).  

Day 1 in my new place: so happy with some falafel
from my favorite restaurant and watching Gossip Girl
Peace Corps found me an apartment located about a ten-minute walk from the office. It’s a small studio flat with one big room and a small bathroom attached. It’s pretty basic, but the fact that it has running water, a hot shower, a refrigerator, and air conditioning makes it absolutely perfect in my eyes. It’s in a fenced compound with guards 24/7, so I feel extremely safe. And now I can cook big pots of food on the weekends and bring it with me to work each day, significantly cutting out hours of food prep time. This is NEW to me since, in the bush, I couldn’t save food for more than about 12 hours without it spoiling. There’s also a grocery store and a farmer’s market across the road from the compound where I can buy a variety of fruits/vegetables along with other “specialty” items like coconut milk, cheese, yogurt, cans of black beans, honey, and booze. The farmers market has tons of cheap produce and general supplies, and sometimes I meet other “Bassa” women with whom I can exchange a limited number of Bassa phrases which brings me a small amount of nostalgia for the bush life I left behind.

Another perk to my apartment setting is that the building is located about 100 meters from the beach. I can step out onto my small balcony and see the undulating movement of the water from there. Or I can walk out the back gate and be ON the beach. Unfortunately, the intense rip tide combined with the high levels of fecal matter in the water around Monrovia makes it not so conducive for swimming, but it’s still pretty to look at! Plus, I can hear the waves crashing on the shore all day and night. It’s a soothing rhythm, and it’s nice to be able to hear some form of nature in the background of the constant hum of the air conditioning.

Looking left:
View right outside the gate of my compound
And looking right
Work was an interesting transition. It felt like I was brushing dust off of a hibernating brain—going from barely having enough to do to now juggling mounds of new tasks including reports, operating procedures, and content collection plans. I have been managing the PC Liberia Instagram since November but learning the ropes of everything else has been a process. I’ve been working for about two and a half weeks thus far and am just starting to feel like I’m not floundering in the deep end.

The great news is that in this new position I’m learning loads about communications including marketing strategies and branding guidelines for Peace Corps, and I’m also managing different social media platforms. Now that I don’t have to be constantly worrying about keeping my electronics charged, I am able to experiment with video creation, to organize digital content and media, and to really put time into collecting content and writing success stories from our volunteers in the field.

Working in an office is new for me too. I’m a novice at workplace culture, having only really worked in the field in most of my previous jobs. I have my own little cubicle in a room with our Liberian staff who manage training and provide support for different program areas within Peace Corps Liberia. It’s fun to get to know them during breaks in our little kitchen where they cook fragrant Liberian rice and soup (which I have chosen to avoid, having eaten my fill of it over the past 7 months).

Overall, I feel much more stable and happy than I have in a long time. I have tangible deliverables, daily tasks to complete, and, most of all, a purpose. I feel lucky to have this unexpected experience and to be able to try out communications work before making any bigger decisions in terms of my future career field.

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