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Showing posts from 2018

A Year of Growth

This time last year, the election madness had just wrapped up in Liberia and our travel restriction had been lifted. I journeyed to the "big city" of Monrovia and stayed in a lovely one bedroom apartment with my 3 best friends. We rang in 2018 with sangria and tequila shots while getting down to afro beats in sweat-soaked clothes. I remember the following day or two, I felt so content. I was in an air conditioned apartment. I had access to fresh fruits and veggies. I could cook and BAKE good food. There was always electricity and hot water. I had amazing companions by my side throughout the days. I dreaded returning to the bush and to my life there that filled me with anxiety, frustration, and self doubt. Not to mention the fact that the constant heat was driving me mad. I delayed returning for as long as I could as the trepidation of the trip back built up to unbearable levels. A few weeks later, I was back in my village and everything began to crumble. The project

Shifting Gears

Exploring Monrovia It’s been an interesting past few weeks/months, whatever has passed since I last updated. As per my last post, I moved to Monrovia. And I feel like a full fledged ex-pat these days. At first, I really resisted this idea, wanting to cling to and hold on to that integrated, I-understand-this-country-from-the-local-perspective way of thinking, but trying to balance the two worlds eventually became too much of a burden, so I decided to just run with my new life. I am by no means a very social or involved ex-pat on the scene here, but I dabble from time to time. I’ve made a few friends and contacts who have gotten me out to explore the area and take advantage of the setting. Occasionally I’ll participate in the weekend, afro-pop nightlife or a dinner party with friends, and I attended a salsa event held by the Cuban Embassy last week—that’s about the extent of my socializing. Learning to salsa dance in Liberia Rainy season