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Showing posts from December, 2017

Christmas: A Day of Bluffing

I am back in my current “home” of Liberia as opposed to still on vacation. After a very full and busy ten days, I was happy to return to a place where time seems to move more slowly. I needed a break from the going, going, going. I spent Christmas in a friend's village for multiple reasons including the fact that it was faster and easier to get to from the airport (compared to my site). I also needed a bit of a break from my boring, extremely loud and intrusive community life. On Christmas morning, a neighbor brought over 2 bottles of palm wine --which I've never tasted before! So rather than opening presents and making a fancy breakfast as is the normal tradition for my family on Christmas morning, we drank the palm wine and listened to music. It was chill and the palm wine was alright. It was milky colored, smelled a bit like sour milk, and was frothy... but it does the trick of getting tipsy on a cheap mans dime.  We had a small group of PCVs here on Chri

Holiday Season in the Tropics

It has been quite some time since I last updated. Life recently has had it's ups and downs, but I am currently coming off of a high, wrapping up a holiday vacation spent in Ghana and Sao Tome. I fly back to Liberia in a few hours. Before leaving the country, I must say I was a bit of a hot mess. Upon arriving back in the village from the whole med evac situation, I was unexpectedly surprised to feel happy to be home. It was nice to be in my own space again and to see my neighbors and community. I felt rejuvenated and ready to try to get things started with work again. For about a month, I was in and out of site at different meetings with the County Health Team, Last Mile Health, and Peace Corps. Just before Thanksgiving, I got to see one of my fellow volunteer's sites way out in the bush (about a 2 hour motorbike trip from my village). The road was terrible, and I got extremely carsick when we were close to reaching it. So that part wasn't fun, but I enjoyed