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Showing posts from October, 2016

On to new adventures...

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage” I found this fortune cookie fortune (that must have escaped from the collection of inspiring ones I keep in my wallet) on the floor as I was packing up my bags this afternoon and mentally preparing to leave Luderitz tomorrow morning. This decision, like many of the decisions during my time in Africa, came very last minute. And this fortune that I’d found absentmindedly while I gathered my belongings seemed oh so relevant for this exact moment. This morning I woke up thinking I would prepare to travel up to Maltahohe, a rural decaying town that we’d visited last month, to train a group of women on crocheting with plastic bags this coming week. Then, a few trips to the bank and dramatic realizations of a lack of money on the part of the guy I work for/with ruled this trip out of the question. Although I had done some private fundraising for the trip, he couldn’t afford the risk of missing out on business here in town to t