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Showing posts from May, 2016


After a week of rest and recovery (sort of) in Windhoek, I decided it was time to get down to the work exchange I'd organized to do down in the remote, coastal town of Luderitz. Honestly, I was getting bored of playing tourist and ready to get back to doing meaningful work. I hitched a ride down to Keetmanskoop, a small, commercial town about five hours south of Windhoek. When I arrived, I was actually lucky enough to meet two Peace Corps Volunteers living there. It was great swapping info on our two countries for a bit. Then I did some wandering around town...although there wasn't a whole lot to see. The guy I'm doing the work exchange with (his name is Giel for future reference) was kind enough to drive over 350km to come pick me up in Keetmans, so I was happy to have a safe and reliable ride into Luderitz. The scenery on the drive, before it got dark, was pretty amazing as the sunset painted the sky orange-y yellow and in the far off distance we could see lines of rain


Well, I’ve switched countries again! Now I’m in Namibia, which lies on the Southwestern coast of Africa surrounded by South Africa, Botswana, and Angola. I’ve had exceptional luck in my post-PC travels so far. On the first day at Afrikaburn I met a very friendly guy from Namibia who gave me a ride up to Windhoek, the capital city. When we arrived, he offered to let me couchsurf at his apartment, so that’s what I’ve been doing along with exploring the city by foot and trying to take some time to relax from all the recent traveling and excitement. The drive up here took about 16 hours, and there were three of us in the truck. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I couldn’t help with driving since it was a manual transmission, so my contribution to the drive was conversation and keeping the drivers awake. I actually learned about Namibia’s history, environment, and economy during these conversations, so I really enjoyed them. When we started out, the landscape was full of fr