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A Year of Growth

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Shifting Gears

Exploring Monrovia It’s been an interesting past few weeks/months, whatever has passed since I last updated. As per my last post, I moved to Monrovia. And I feel like a full fledged ex-pat these days. At first, I really resisted this idea, wanting to cling to and hold on to that integrated, I-understand-this-country-from-the-local-perspective way of thinking, but trying to balance the two worlds eventually became too much of a burden, so I decided to just run with my new life. I am by no means a very social or involved ex-pat on the scene here, but I dabble from time to time. I’ve made a few friends and contacts who have gotten me out to explore the area and take advantage of the setting. Occasionally I’ll participate in the weekend, afro-pop nightlife or a dinner party with friends, and I attended a salsa event held by the Cuban Embassy last week—that’s about the extent of my socializing. Learning to salsa dance in Liberia Rainy season