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Showing posts from September, 2017

Liberia: The Beginning

I guess it's time to get back to this whole blogging thing, as it'll likely be the most efficient way to share experiences during this second Peace Corps stint! So my group and I (LR-23 as we’ve named) have been in Liberia for over three and a half weeks. And it has been an eventful time FOR. SURE.  Peace Corps Liberia Training Hub To begin with, we were luggage-less for our first entire week in Liberia. Our bags got stuck in Brussels during our four-hour layover between DC and Monrovia. The handling staff decided to go on strike the same morning we arrived meaning that when we took off for Monrovia, we already knew that we would only have our carry on bags when we arrived. Thankfully many of us at least had more than one outfit, but arriving in a new country after ~36 hours of traveling without clean clothes to change into (and three hours late) was not what we’d hoped for. The Peace Corps staff greeted us at the airport with Liberian flags (probably to keep