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Showing posts from July, 2016

Wasting No Time

This morning at 1:00, my 16 hour bus trip up the western cape and across the South Africa/Namibia border came to a close. We pulled into the Engen /Wimpy station that I know all too well (from sitting in it for 12 hours waiting for this same bus on my way down  to Cape Town seven weeks ago), and I entered the windy, frigid, night air. I'd almost gotten left behind at the border because of stupid passport/visa issues, so I was honestly just happy to have arrived back to this place safe and sound. I'd thought that we would drive the 4 hours back west to the coast, to our home of Luderitz, from there, but thankfully Giel had arranged for us to stay at a friend's house. After curling up under big thick covers in all my jackets to protect myself from the bitter chill in the air, I finally allowed my body to relax and the adrenaline slowly eased out releasing me into a peaceful, horizontal (thank goodness) sleep. Learning how to crochet  Then this mor