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Showing posts from June, 2016

Traveler's Limbo

Traveling can put you in limbo. It’s in between places, destinations, cities, country sides. It’s blurred pictures, scenary, suns, moon, clouds. It’s changing time zones, ecology, climates, and soils. It’s full of anticipation of the next destination, the next adventures, and the strangers who will intrigue you with new conversations and points of view. It’s also feeling sadness of leaving the last place, the understanding of that place that you worked to build, and the companions that you made. Traveling from one place to another can feel like floating in thin air or on open water—completely free—or it can feel suffocating tight with anxiety of just wanting to be there. These emotions can easily pull you from the present. They can mute your senses of what’s around you at that moment, at that space in time, at that second of your life that you’ll never get back. I know lots of people (me included sometimes) who take sleeping pills or other drugs/alcohol to numb these feel