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Showing posts from March, 2016


You know, I used to really hate the rain. It meant getting soaking wet at cross-country practice. It meant a yucky walk to school in the mud. It meant needing to carry an umbrella amongst so many other things. When I woke up to rain, it would automatically put me in a bad mood. But my mind has completely turned around regarding rain. I remember my first month in Bondo Village—there was a full week when it didn’t stop raining. Cooking outside was a challenge, and I was struggling for entertainment. I was so bored and miserable. I spent a whole day doodling in a sketchbook with literally nothing else to do. I specifically remember this one time when I was talking to my neighbor and asked her if she liked rain or sunshine to which she replied rain. I couldn’t believe it. I told her I preferred sunshine, ‘like a little sunshine child’ I thought. Whenever it was sunny, I practically sprawled out on my porch, soaking up the Vit D and enjoying the warmth on my skin (it