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Showing posts from September, 2014


It’s been awhile since my last update! I am currently in Lilongwe for our 2 week IST (In Service Training) where we are reuniting with our March 2014 group of health and environment volunteers and learning about the next step for when we go back to site. In case you don't know (I’ve noticed that a lot of people don’t understand the set up of Peace Corps), here’s how it goes for Peace Corps Malawi. We arrive in country and spend 9 weeks in Pre-Service Training living with home stay families. Then we move to each of our sites all across the country and spend the next 3-4 months conducting needs assessments and working on integrating into our rural villages. After those first few months, we come to IST for two weeks to learn more specifics about program design and management, grant-writing, behavior change, emotional resiliency, etc. The first week is just PCVs, but all of our primary counterparts arrived at our venue today, and they’ll be going through the next week of training